The Death Of The Web And Web2.0



It’s no secret that the web is in a sad state. From the commercialization of social media to the rise of clickbait and fake news, it’s hard to find anything of value online these days. And while there are still some good things about the web, it’s clear that it’s not what it used to be. The days of the open web and Web2.0 are gone, replaced by a new era of surveillance capitalism and misinformation. In this blog post, we will explore the death of the web and how we got here. We will also discuss what this means for the future of the internet and whether there is any hope for a return to the good old days.

What is the Web?

The web, as we know it, is dying. It’s being replaced by a new kind of web, one that is more centralized and controlled. This new web is known as the Web 2.0.

The original web was created as a decentralized platform where anyone could publish anything they wanted. This led to a lot of chaos and bad information, but it also resulted in a lot of creativity and innovation. The original web was like the Wild West; anything goes.

The new web is different. It’s more like a walled garden, where only certain types of content are allowed. This is because the new web is controlled by just a few companies, like Google, Facebook, and Apple. These companies decide what content you see and don’t see. They also control how you access the internet; for example, through their app store or search engine.

The death of the original web doesn’t mean that there isn’t still good content out there. It just means that you have to be more careful about where you get your information from. And it also means that you have less control over what you can do on the internet.

What is Web2.0?

Web2.0 is the second generation of the World Wide Web, characterized by increased user interactivity and collaboration, and enhanced web-based services. Unlike the first generation of the web, which was focused on providing static content, Web2.0 sites are dynamic, user-generated, and often allow for social interaction.

The term “Web2.0” was coined in 1999 by Darcy DiNucci, an information architecture consultant. However, the concept of Web2.0 did not really take off until 2004, when O’Reilly Media and Mediatronics hosted the first Web 2.0 Conference. Since then, the term has been widely adopted by technology companies and investors to describe the new wave of web-based businesses and services.

Some popular examples of Web2.0 sites include social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, video sharing sites like YouTube, and wikis like Wikipedia. These sites have transformed the way we interact with each other and access information online.

The Death of the Web

The web as we know it is dying. It’s being replaced by a new, more centralized platform that puts power into the hands of a few large companies. This new platform is known as the “walled garden.”

The walled garden is a platform controlled by a single company or organization. It’s a closed system that doesn’t allow users to access content from outside the walls. Facebook, Apple, and Google are all examples of walled gardens.

The death of the web is bad news for users because it means we’re losing our freedom to access information and communicate freely online. It also stifles innovation and creativity. The web was designed to be an open platform that anyone could use to create new things. But the walled garden approach kills that spirit of openness.

So why are companies moving to this model? There are two main reasons: money and control.

Walled gardens are more profitable for companies because they can control what users see and charge for access to specific content or features. They can also collect data on users and sell it to advertisers. And because they’re closed systems, they’re much harder for competitors to enter.

Control is also a big factor. Walled gardens allow companies to dictate what users can do and say online. They can censor content they don’t like and promote their own agendas. For example, Facebook has been accused of censoring conservative news stories from its Trending Topics section.

The move to


The death of the web and Web2.0 is an interesting topic to consider. It’s clear that the way we use the internet is changing, and it’s important to keep up with the latest trends. However, it’s also important to remember that the internet has been around for a long time and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. There will always be a need for website development and design, so there’s no need to worry about the death of the web just yet. Thanks for reading!

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