5 Conversion Optimising Landing Pages You Can Try Out On Your Site Today

If you’re looking to increase the conversion rate on your site, one of the best places to start is with your landing pages. A well-designed and optimised landing page can be the difference between a user bouncing off your site or taking the next step in your conversion funnel. There are a lot of different elements that go into an effective landing page, but in this blog post, we’ll focus on five of the most important ones. By the end of this post, you’ll have a good idea of how to create a high-converting landing page for your site.

The Best Landing Page Designs to Try

If you’re looking to improve your website’s conversion rate, then you should definitely consider trying out some new landing page designs. A well-designed landing page can make all the difference in whether a visitor converts into a customer or not.

There are lots of different landing page designs to choose from, so it can be tough to know where to start. To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best landing page designs that you can try out on your site today:

1. The ‘Hero’ Landing Page Design

The ‘hero’ landing page design is all about making a big impact and grabbing the attention of visitors as soon as they land on your page. This design typically features a large, eye-catching headline and an image or video that helps to reinforce your message.

2. The ‘Product’ Landing Page Design

If you’re selling a product, then you’ll want to make sure that your landing page is designed to sell that product. This means including things like product images, customer testimonials, and clear calls-to-action that encourage visitors to buy.

3. The ‘Squeeze’ Landing Page Design

The ‘squeeze’ landing page design is all about getting visitors to sign up for your email list or newsletter. This style of landing page typically includes a strong headline, a brief explanation of what visitors will get by signing up, and an email signup form.

How to Create a High Converting Landing Page

1. How to Create a High Converting Landing Page

You might be wondering how to create a high converting landing page. The answer is simple: by following some key best practices.

Here are some tips for creating a high converting landing page:

Make sure your headline is clear and attention-grabbing
Use persuasive copy to convince visitors to take action
Include a strong call-to-action (CTA)
Make use of images, videos, or infographics
Keep your form short and sweet
Ensure your page is mobile-friendly
Test, test, test!

What to Include on Your Landing Page

If you’re looking to optimise your landing pages for conversions, there are a few key elements you’ll want to include. First, make sure your page has a strong headline that accurately reflects the content on the page. You’ll also want to include a brief subheading that helps to further explain what visitors can expect to find on your page.

Next, make sure your page includes compelling copy that speaks to your target audience and clearly outlines what they can expect if they convert on your offer. Be sure to use persuasive language throughout your copy, and avoid any jargon or technical terms that might turn off potential customers.

Finally, be sure to include a strong call-to-action (CTA) that encourages visitors to take the next step towards conversion. Your CTA should be clear and concise, and it should stand out from the rest of the content on your page.

By following these guidelines, you can create landing pages that are optimised for conversion and that will help you close more deals with potential customers.

A/B Testing Your Landing Page

A/B testing your landing page can be a great way to improve your conversion rate. By testing different versions of your landing page, you can see which version is more effective at converting visitors into customers or subscribers.

There are a few things to keep in mind when A/B testing your landing page:

1. Test one element at a time. If you change multiple elements on your page at the same time, you won’t be able to tell which change was responsible for any increase or decrease in conversions.

2. Make sure your test is statistically significant. This means that you need to have a large enough sample size (number of visitors) to your page so that the results of the test are meaningful.

3. Be patient. A/B testing can take some time to produce results, so don’t give up too soon!

Measuring the Success of Your Landing Page

There are a number of metrics you can use to measure the success of your landing page. The most important metric is conversion rate, which is the percentage of visitors who take the desired action on your page. Other important metrics include click-through rate (CTR), time on page, and bounce rate.

To track conversion rate, you’ll need to set up conversion tracking in Google Analytics. This can be done by adding a goal for each desired action on your page (e.g., sign up for a newsletter, make a purchase). Once you’ve set up goals, you can view the conversion rate for each goal in the “Conversions” report in Google Analytics.

To track CTR, you can use Google Analytics or another tool like Crazy Egg. CTR measures how often people who see your landing page click on the call-to-action (CTA). A high CTR indicates that your CTA is effective and that people are interested in what you’re offering. A low CTR may indicate that your CTA is not effective or that your landing page is not relevant to the visitor’s needs.

Time on page and bounce rate are also important metrics to track. Time on page measures how long visitors stay on your landing page before leaving. Bounce rate measures the percentage of visitors who leave after viewing only one page on your site. A high time on page and low bounce rate indicate that people are engaging with your content and finding it useful. A low time on page

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